[Samba] (2.2.5) Does AUTO PRINTER DRIVERS work - definitive
statement please
Gerald Carter
jerry at samba.org
Wed Sep 4 00:47:00 GMT 2002
On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Fredrik Aminoff wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Aug 2002 jerry at samba.org wrote:
> > I am working on one issue where certain features are not available
> > to users even though they are set on the server (forms, duplex,
> > etc...)
> What is the status of that issue?
It has been fixed in Samba-2.2.6pre2...
> We run Samba-2.6.0pre2 under Sol8-sparc with Windows 2000 SP2 clients
> and Lexmark printers. We use the autoprinter driver function and it
> works better now with 2.6.0pre2 than it did with 2.5.0. It crashes the
> clients spoolsv.exe ~ every 10th login. We have activated the Recovery
> function of the Print Spooler service under Win2k so it's not that a big
> of problem. Every time a user logon to the domain, the logon script sets
> up the printers (connects to them) with the following command:
Has the driver been initialized?
> start /MIN rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /q /in /u
> /n\\dune\Lexmark-uppe /j"LanMan Print Services"
> The real problem we have is that only root (administrator) can see (and
> set) the correct settings for the printer (Forms, duplex, memory etc.)
> but a regular user can only see the default printer driver settings (as
> set by the installationprogram for the drivers) and not change them and
> since they are wrong no user can do duplex printing right now. It would
> be so nice to avoid installing the printers local on every client but
> that may be our only way out if this problem won't be fixed.
Please retest using Samba-2.2.6pre2 and let me know....
cheers, jerry
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