[Samba] smbd + nmbd don't want to start
Joel Hammer
Joel at HammersHome.com
Mon Sep 2 08:30:01 GMT 2002
The RedhHat startup scripts will not look for the daemons where they are
installed after you compile from sources.
And, the installation directory is likely not in the path statement of your
root user, either.
likely, the binaries are now in:
If they are not there, you should be able to figure out where they are by:
1. Looking in configure in your source directory.
2. Running updatedb and locate smbd
I find it better to run smbd/nmbd as free standing daemons, not with inetd.
The smbclient that you are running may be left over from the old
installation. Did you remove (rpm) the old installation?
On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 08:36:28AM +0200, Slawek W wrote:
> hi, masters!
> i have installed RedHat 7.2 and Samba 2.2.5.
> i did everything step by step: ./configure , make , make
> install , etc...
> i cannot start 'smbd' and 'nmbd' daemons. i try to run them from
> the command line or from inetd and i get something like:
> "there is no such command"
> all Samba commands are in the same
> hierarchy /usr/local/samba/bin.
> i can run other Samba commands, for example 'testparm'
> and 'smbclient', but of course i cannot list available shares
> and whole Samba server doesn't work.
> what is the problem? where should i look for???
> i had Mandrake 8.2 + Samba before, and everything worked well.
> --- Slawek W
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