[Samba] joing machines
Kristyan Osborne
kris at longhill.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Mon Sep 2 07:53:01 GMT 2002
Fixed it!! I rolled samba back to CVS form 29/07. There might be a bug or suttle difference to watch out for!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristyan Osborne
Sent: 02 September 2002 10:25
To: Samba (E-mail)
Subject: [Samba] joing machines
I have a samba 3.0 current CVS from 01/08 running with ldap as the backend. It been working fine for the past few week until late last week. I can join a machine to the domain and I get an entry in ldap one in ou=computers and one in ou=users (as normal). Everything looks fine until you try to login to the win2k box. When you hit enter after typing in username + passwd you get an error message "The system could not log you on to this domain becasue the system's computer account in its primary domain is missing or the password on that account is incorrect."
I don't think i have changed anything to the config, but i cant belive it just stops working. The machines which have been added prior to last week can still logon to the network and work fine.
Can anyone suggest something??
Kristyan Osborne - IT Technician
Longhill High School
01273 391672 - UK
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