[Samba] Samba + Clipper

Riviera Adm - Marcelo Oliveira da Costa marcelo at rivieraadm.com.br
Fri Nov 29 11:47:01 GMT 2002

Hello for all !

We use a samba server 2.2.1a with conectiva 7 [ kernel 2.4.18] and have the most important system of enterprise in clipper.
In begin we have many problems with index corruption and clipper system freezes
Then we turned off oplocks and level2oplocks and found peace.
But sometimes the system until freeze in one station and this freeze others stations too.
When clipper system is closed in the first freezed station, the others return to normality.
The softhouse that was developer clipper system say:

* linux and samba is the problem 
> he don't know nothing about linux 
* network bandwidth is the problem [100 and 10 Mbit/s]
> maybe ...
* server is the problem [ Compaq ML330G2 : PIII 1GHz, 256, 18GB SCSI, 100Mbit/s only file server for 33 clients ]
> I don't believe in this ...

Our major DBF has 65MB and the major NSX has 18MB.
I think that is big and the problem is it,  but system developer say that isn't.

I don't want to come back to NT4, where the clipper system too crash.

Resume: Where I can find information about samba and clipper systems ?

Thank you for read about my problem.
Sorry for the grammar and others errors, but I don't know english very well.

Marcelo Oliveira da Costa
marcelo at rivieraadm.com.br
Bertioga - Sao Paulo - Brasil

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