[SAMBA] config/performance problem on solaris 8

Justin Richards jwr at black0ps.org
Thu Nov 28 16:42:00 GMT 2002

Please help!  I am getting awesome read performance from my samba server, but writing to it is terrible.

My server configuration is SUN Ultra 2 dual 400 mhz CPUs (Solaris 8 64bit mode) 1 gig of ram and dual 100 meg network cards running samba 2.2.6
windows box is XP home, 1 gig AMD with 384 megs ram and 100 meg network card

I can pull 6.5 meg/sec copying an ISO from the samba server to the windows box, but only about 500K sec writing back to the samba server from the same machine.  for writes I am using a 400 meg avi file.

Please look at my config and let me know where i screwed up!  Thanks!!

# Global parameters
        workgroup = WRKGRP
        netbios name = SERVER
        server string = SAMBA File Server
        security = usr
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        restrict anonymous = Yes
        log level = 1
        log file = /var/adm/samba/log.%m
        max log size = 256000
        large readwrite = Yes
        deadtime = 15
        max open files = 2000
        read size = 65535
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_SNDBUF=16384 SO_RCVBUF=16384
        lock dir = /var/tmp/samba_locks
        remote announce = yes
        remote browse sync = yes
        socket address =
        hosts allow = 192.168.0. 
        max connections = 150
        write cache size = 65535
        strict locking = no
        strict sync = no
        sync always = no
        read prediction = yes
        max xmit = 65535
        read raw = yes
        write raw = yes
        oplocks = on
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