[Samba] Installing Samba

DeCoene Damien DamienDecoene at netagco.com
Thu Nov 28 13:26:03 GMT 2002

While trying to install samba on our Unix server, step 1: building Binaries.
I have the following error message while executing the command "./configure"

"checking configure summary... WARNING: No automated network interface
ERROR: no seteuid method available
configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config"

How can I result this error?

Best regards,

Damien Decoene

Netagco AVR
Meensesteenweg 545
8800 Roeselare
Tel: 051/25.98.74
Fax: 051/22.95.61
e-mail: damiendecoene at netagco.com

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