[Samba] machines accounts

Kalkoul Morad M-Kalkoul at arte-tv.com
Wed Nov 27 13:47:01 GMT 2002


I have RH 8 and samba 2.2.7

samba is PDC And to create machine accountsI use "On the fly " way( add user
script = /usr/sbin/useradd  -d /dev/null -g machines -s /bin/false -M %u)

On nt4 when I join a domain with an Xp box , If I want to change the name of
my machine on the domain it 's possible, it renames the machine account.

On samba I would like to do the same thing   it respond that I don't have
the rights to modify it.  My question is  if it possible? Someone as an
I saw delete user script but not modify user script option.

Thanks in advance.

Friendly? Mo

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Email: m-kalkoul at arte-tv.com


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