[Samba] Samba with HP 110x Machines.

René Nieuwenhuizen R.Nieuwenhuizen at cpb.nl
Wed Nov 27 07:00:01 GMT 2002

Gagneet Singh heeft geschreven:

>    We have a HP b2600 Workstation, with HP 110x UNIX system, at our work
>place. Currently it is lying idle and we would like to utilize it.
>    Is it possible to put Samba on this machine and use it as a PDC using
>the samba suite?
>Thank you for your help
We are currently running samba-2.2.7 on a hp9000 k-class server running 
HP/UX-11.00. I've used the gcc-3.1 compiler to compile the source but 
any later will do just fine. I've also tried with the HP Ansi-C compiler 
but this resulted into a binaries with some instability (don't know why).

One problem I encountered was that _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE was defined. This 
causes al file operations to be 64bit but locking structures will still 
only support 32bits causing some problems at runtime. I redefined this 
to just _LARGEFILE_SOURCE in the Makefile and include/config.h and this 
went ok.

Good luck

René Nieuwenhuizen
Afdeling Informatietechnologie
Centraal Planbureau

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