[Samba] Multiple Login Problem

Sven Nold Sven.Nold at web.de
Mon Nov 25 10:54:00 GMT 2002

Dear All,

at first great job to all developers/programmers. 
I am new to samba and I finally worked out how to set up a simple samba server, but one issue I still have a problem with. I know that it is maybe not a samba issue, but I think here is the only place where I can find help for it. So my problem is that XP caching the user/password when I once connected to a samba server. What I need is that when I connect again that it asks me for a user and password again so that I can log in as another user.
Does anybody know a solution for it or is there a setting in smb.conf I didn't find yet ?

Thnx in advance.
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