[Samba] testparm & smbstatus

linux power linuxpower2002 at yahoo.no
Sun Nov 24 20:23:00 GMT 2002

I dont know if I understand u right, but smb.conf reside in /usr/local/samba/lib
while only typing testparm search for the smb.conf file in /etc/samba
U must type testparm /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
 Davide Parise <d.parise at agora.it> wrote:I have started some tests of samba 3. the first think I realized is that
testparm and smbstatus do not honour the --sysconfigdir or --confdir (i
could have mispelled in the mail, but not in the tests) as they search for
the configuration file in /usr/lib, the default path.

smbd anf nmbd work correctly

Davide Parise
E-Mail: d.parise at mhz.it

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