[Samba] Slow and bad performance on large dirs.

Noel Kelly nkelly at citrusnetworks.net
Sat Nov 23 09:11:00 GMT 2002

I believe this is more a filesystem issue than a Samba one.  Using ext2/ext3
browsing directories with many files will be slow as it constructs lists for
the entries to display.  Filesystems like XFS and ReiserFS use binary trees
which skip this step, so you might want to find a distribution or kernel to
support filesystems like these.

I wonder if your copy would go faster if you did not use Windows Exlporer to
do the copying, bearing in mind it tries to continually refresh the
directory contents.  Maybe try using xcopy and see if that is an

Purely my own experience but I have found copying files using the Windows
Java version of Midnight Commander is very, very fast.



-----Original Message-----
From: Harrison Xing [mailto:harrison at mountainviewdata.com]
Sent: 23 November 2002 07:05
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Slow and bad performance on large dirs.


We had a severe problem with samba with very large directories, e.g. 100,000

files. The file copy speed is becoming slower and slower, and it is a few
times slower compared with the data when the files to be copied are already
the server.  Anyone has good ideas about how to solve this? 
By simply checking the code, I found at smbd/filename.c, if the files are
not found on the server, it will do a "scan_directory" which might be very
slow if the directory is large. Are there anyway to avoid this searching? 

Best Regards,

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