[Samba] Re: Shared profiles under XP?

John H Terpstra jht at samba.org
Fri Nov 22 18:28:00 GMT 2002

On 22 Nov 2002, Bradley W. Langhorst wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 03:42, xfesty wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Hmm..
> >
> > Surely there's someway to make a non-changable profiles for all users?
> > I mean, Windows 2000 Server can do this, and so could NT4...
> >
> > R
> i don't really know how to do this but since nobody else has responded
> i'll give you my guess...
> i think you just rename the the ntuser.dat file to ntuser.man to
> configure a mandatory profile.

Correct, but you also need to update the ACEs (Access Control Entries) on
the profile using the profile manager. To access the profile manager you
must log on as the Domain Administrator, Right-Click on "My Computer",
select "Properties". On Windows XP, click on "Advanced", then click on
User Profiles "settings".

Now, select the profile you want to assign as a mandatory profile, click
on "Copy To". Enter into the box "Copy Profile To" A valid destination
disk/share location and account name. eg: C:\temp\Fred

Now click on "Permitted to Use: Change", then click on "Advanced", then
click on "Find Now". In the box that opens below, select ALL the user
accounts that should be able to use this profile.

Now select the "Locations" from which this profile may be used, and also
edit the "Select this object type" info.

Now click "Ok", and in the next screen "Ok" again. The profile will now be
copied over and the permissions will be set to allow the groups/users you
set to use it.

Now log on as that user and edit the environment to suit your needs. When
you are happy with it, rename NTUser.DAT to NTUser.Man.

You now have a shared mandatory profile.

It's all in the MS Windows NT/2K/SP resource kits.

- John T.

John H Terpstra
Email: jht at samba.org

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