[Samba] [homes] problem using SAMBA 2.2.7

Joseph Formoso jformoso at stevens-tech.edu
Fri Nov 22 14:49:01 GMT 2002

On 22 Nov 2002, Andrew Bartlett wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 01:57, Joseph Formoso wrote:
>> 	I just upgraded our SAMBA install from a very ancient version
>> (2.0.something) to 2.2.7.  Everything is working properly, it seems,
>> except for connecting to home directories on the server.  We have the
>> default [homes] section in place in our smb.conf file:
> It looks like there might have been a change to the way the global
> 'path' is being handled.  Try either removing the 'path = ...' from
> under [global] or put 'path =' in the [homes] share.  That will 'reset'
> the parameter back to the default, which should make it point to the
> home directory again.
	I removed (well, commented out) that path directive in the
global section, and that appears to have done the trick.  Many thanks
for the quick (and, more importantly, correct =) recommendation.


Joe Formoso (jformoso at stevens-tech.edu),
  Senior Systems Administrator, IT Department, Stevens Institute of Technology

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