[Samba] ACLs with samba

Markus Amersdorfer markus.amersdorfer at aon.at
Fri Nov 22 07:53:00 GMT 2002

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 16:07:08 -0500
"Tom Hallewell" <hallewellt at rfa.org> wrote:

> 1.  I am unable to alter permissions from Win2K clients using the
> Properties->Security interface.  Is this normal?  I get the "Unable to
> save Permission Changes on new Folder.  Access is denied."  message. 
> This occurs with all accounts, both privileged and unprivileged.

Are you sure you compiled Samba with ACL support?
`ldd /path-to-your/smbd` should show "libacl.so.1" in it's list.

Even when giving the option "--with-acl" it's possible it didn't compile
with ACL support due to the perhaps not installed dev-package "acl-dev"
(which is available as DEB-package).

So long,

The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged.
                       <Cpt. Picard, "The Drumhead", StarTrek TNG>


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