[Samba] write access to shares on PDC faulty (samba 2.2.6)

Dr U. Falke falke at liverpool.ac.uk
Tue Nov 19 15:21:27 GMT 2002

I described a problem yesterday, but probably gave not enough
I recently installed a SuSE8.0 distribution, got the SuSE-RPM of samba
2.2.6 (samba-2.2.6-0.i386.rpm) from the samba download space, installed

In the meantime it proved that the described error (see original posting
below) occurs also without the special PDC configurations in the

I have a proper smbpasswd (otherwise I couldn't authenticate myself at
the samba server couldn't I?).

Part of it reads like (of course with password hashes deleted...):
root:0:    :    :[UX         ]:LCT-3DD96A82:
lithium$:5003:     :    :[W          ]:LCT-3DD5F0F7:
ufa:500:    :    :[UX         ]:LCT-3DD5F372:

The user names in smbpasswd are all mapped onto UIDs by /etc/passwd and
the access permissions for the home directories exported as
//server/username are 750 (I would never see it as a solution to set
them to 777 even if that worked)

As said before, I can create directories on the shares (but each
time with the mysterious message of W2K that a directory of that name did already
exist). Trying to create plain files ends with the said message that the
network name was no more available. However, there are also (faulty)
entries in the respective directory: file listing on the samba server
shows the files created but either with size 0 or with an content which
looks like raw bytes (could be a failure of the filesystem then).
Mounting a share locally (see df output below) and copying a file to it
ends with and input/output error, the created file looks like that:
chlorine:/etc/samba # ls -l ~ufa/smb*
-rw-rw----    1 ufa      users    0 Nov 19 22:25 /home/ufa/smb.conf.000
(ok, the time is a bit off...)

For clearance I append some data describing the system:
System: AMD Athlon XP 1700+, 80GB Seagate Barracuda (hda) at first IDE
port of Gigabyte 7VAX Rev 1.1
chlorine:/etc/samba # df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2              2313284   1173340   1139944  51% /
/dev/user/data_vol    68052956  34022072  34030884  50% /home
/dev/var/var_vol       1044444     95684    948760  10% /var
shmfs                   127704         0    127704   0% /dev/shm
//chlorine/homes      68050944  34021376  34029568  50% /mnt/pdc

(the last mount is for test purposes only ...)
/dev/user and /dev/var are two LVM volume groups.
All volumes or partitions, resp., are formatted with ReiserFS
The home directory looks like that
chlorine:/etc/samba # ls -l /home
total 3
drwxr-xr-x    9 root     root          200 Nov 18 00:53 .
drwxr-xr-x   19 root     root          536 Nov 18 01:18 ..
drwxr-xr-x    5 abl      users         624 Nov 18 00:49 abl
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          248 Nov 16 04:06 backup_c_scanner
drwxr-xr-x    5 mfa      users         624 Nov 15 04:41 mfa
drwxr-xr-x    5 psh      users         624 Nov 18 00:49 psh
drwxr-xr-x    7 ufa      users         872 Nov 19 22:25 ufa
drwxr-xr-x    5 wco      users         624 Nov 18 00:49 wco

The smb.conf (of the PDC configuration, but the problems occur also
with other setups):
chlorine:/etc/samba # less smb.conf.pdc
# smb.conf is the main samba configuration file. You find a full
# version at /usr/share/doc/packages/samba/examples/smb.conf.SuSE
# Date: 2002-10-19
        admin users = root
        domain logons = yes
        domain master = yes
        netbios name = chlorine
        logon drive = P:
        logon home = \\chlorine\%u
        workgroup = SSTEM
#       os level = 2
        os level = 99
        preferred master = yes
        security = user
        time server = yes
        unix extensions = yes
        encrypt passwords = yes
        log level = 3
        syslog = 0
        printing = CUPS
        printcap name = CUPS
#       wins support = no
        wins support = yes
        veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/
        comment = Home Directories
        valid users = %S
        browseable = no
        writeable = yes
        create mode = 0600
        directory mode = 0700
        path = %H
        read only = no
        comment = All Printers
        path = /var/tmp
        printable = yes
        create mask = 0600
        browseable = no
        comment = Printer Drivers
        path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
        write list = @ntadmin root
        force group = ntadmin
        create mask = 0664
        directory mask = 0775
        path = /home/netlogon

Joining the domain seems to work for W2K clients, Domain logon
seems to work nice for domain users, but file creation seems to be buggy
in a ugly manner.

So, again: Any helpful hints and comments or suggestions are welcome.


On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Marian Mlcoch, Ing wrote:

>On your share unix directory must be valid unix permission set if not write
>is not possible...
>When your share is btw PUB and is on /home/samba/pub
>then try change perm
>chmod 777 /home/samba/pub
>and then try create dir under PUB share on client.
>PUB share must be set writable in smb.conf.
>Best is create groups for users and set perm 775 but user logged to samba
>must exist in group in linux...
>Secondary problem is possible by your filesystem for share dir. If you use
>fat problem with filenames is possible then try copy filename with 8.3 conv
>and long names can not work...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Dr U. Falke" <falke at liverpool.ac.uk>
>To: <samba at lists.samba.org>
>Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 7:51 PM
>Subject: [Samba] write access to shares on PDC faulty (samba 2.2.6)
>> Hi,
>> I just configured samba (2.2.6) on a Linux box (2.4.18) to act as a PDC.
>> I can bring W2K PCs into the domain, and I can read the data on exported
>> shares.
>> However, when I try to write data, the following occurs:
>> 1. trying to create directories (AKA folders :-) from the W2K GUI using
>> "New Folder":
>> Error Message Box "Unable to create the folder 'New Folder'. Cannot
>> create a file when that file already exists."
>> Nevertheless, a folder "New folder" is created.
>> 2. Trying to copy a file to the share
>> Error Message "Cannot copy ...: The specified network name is no longer
>> available."
>> When trying to copy files from a linux box onto the same share (then
>> mounted via smbmount), also a write error occurs (permission denied).
>> the file permission modes are properly set.
>> I am not so experienced with samba, but my guess is: something is wrong
>> with the file locking.
>> Any helpful comments and hints appreciated.
>> Uwe
>> Dr. Uwe Falke
>> UK SuperSTEM Laboratory
>> Dept. of Engineering, University of Liverpool
>> c/o CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory,
>> Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 4AD
>> phone: 01925 86 4905
>> fax: 01925 86 4910
>> --
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