[Samba] Using Samba share folder for Win2K home directory

YIP_Chin_Loo at nyp.gov.sg YIP_Chin_Loo at nyp.gov.sg
Mon Nov 18 07:24:01 GMT 2002

----- Forwarded by Chin Loo YIP/NYP/SINGOV on 18/11/02 03:22 PM -----
                    Chin Loo                                                             
                    YIP/NYP/SINGO        To:     samba at lists.samba.org                   
                    V                    cc:                                             
                                         Subject:     Using Samba share folder for Win2K 
                    18/11/02             home directory                                  
                    03:06 PM                                                             

Dear all,
     I have set up a Samba server on a SUN workstation and could like to
use the share  folder  on Samba to be utilised by Win2k server as a home
directory for all Win 2k user accounts and not sure how to do it.For eg.
When a user log on to Win 2k server , the home directory of the user is
actually on the Samba server and not the Win 2k server. I could like to
seek some advise on the above and your advise is very much appreciated.


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