[Samba] Master browser problems (I've RTFM;)

John H Terpstra jht at samba.org
Sun Nov 17 05:40:01 GMT 2002

On Sun, 17 Nov 2002, Paladin wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Nov 2002 04:10:44 +0000 (GMT)
> John H Terpstra <jht at samba.org> wrote:
> >  Please explain what the real problem is. This sounds like an
> >  interpretation, and at that one that might not be the whole
> >  story.
> >
> >  - John
> Oh, sorry! :/
> My network consists of three computers: a linux server (running samba
> in the conditions i mentioned in the previous mail), a linux
> workstation and a windows XP pro workstation. The problem is that when
> I'm browsing my network neighborhood in windows I can't see the linux
> server.

So here we have the crux of this issue!

So let's review a few things now.

Firstly, Are your TCP/IP settings correct on all machines?
	ie: IP Addresses in the same network range?
		- netmasks the same
		- router (gateway) addresses the same on all

Have you run SWAT?

You get there by pointing your browser at http://localhost:901 on the
samba server. The read the "Entire HOWTO collection" in particular section
2 that deals with MS Windows / Samba interoperability.

Are your workgroup settings the same on all machines?

Are you running the Samba server as a WINS server? If so, are your Samba
clients all configured to use that WINS server?

ie: On the Samba server in smb.conf [globals]:
	wins support = yes

On your Linux WINS client in the smb.conf file [globals]
	wins server = x.x.x.x
where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your samba server.

On your Windows client the WINS server address in the TCP/IP settings
should be the IP address of your Samba server.

IF you are NOT configured for WINS operation, then do NOT set any WINS
entries in your samba smb.conf files, _AND_ make sure that the WINS
entries on your Windows machine are blank. PS: This way it will take up to
45 minutes for your browse list to stabilize.

Have you made sure that you do NOT have a firewall that blocks UDP ports
137/138 and TCP ports 139/445?

These are just starters ...

> In the linux workstation it's the same problem. The best I can
> do is browse the linux workstation through windows. When using
> smbclient on the samba server, the server's name appears in the server
> and master sections. In the linux client the client's name appears
> only in the server sections and the master is empty.

Please explain. I will try to help you.

> On windows all three names appear in the server section and the
> window's name appears as master.

Please explain this last comment. It does not compute too well. What
precisely makes you think it is a "master"?

> (That's why I "guessed" the master browser problem! ;) Sometimes the
> linux client shows windows as master though. And running win98 in
> vmware through the linux client I can browse the linux server but not
> the other two computers.
> I hope I've explained myself better this time. Thanks again,

We will get there.

- John T.

John H Terpstra
Email: jht at samba.org

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