[Samba] General info "Samba as Printserver for NT4.0"

Roessiger Martin Martin.Roessiger at lwv-wh.de
Thu Nov 14 15:42:02 GMT 2002

Hello dear reader,

I was trying very hard for several days to setup a linux-server with
to work as a printserver in a NT-network.
The Printserver should only offer the the print-service for networkable
HP printers (1200) . This means, i just wanted to see, if i could 
replace the existing NT-printserver by a linux-machine.
The only problem that i could not overcome, was, the "automatic
of vendor printer driver files (for windows)from the linux-machine onto
the NT-clients.
All docs say this works fine for W9X and NT, but now, after studying a
lot of
Newsgroups, i think, it does not work for NT.
My question now:

Is it possible to use the "old fashioned method" (using printer driver
file-, printer driver location-,
printer driver-parameters) of printer driver downloads to Win/NT-Clients
with Samba 2.2.1a and NT4.0 ?
If not, is it possible to do that with a Samba Version  2.2.1 ?

I hope you can answer my questions and thank you very much for
your reply !

Kind Regards

Martin Rößiger 
LWV Württemberg-Hohenzollern 
D3 - Referat Informationsverarbeitung 
Tel: (49)-(0)711-6375-472 
email: Martin.Roessiger at lwv-wh.de 

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