[Samba] BUG: Samba-BDC-HOWTO

Mike Rambo mrambo at lsd.k12.mi.us
Thu Nov 14 13:02:01 GMT 2002

> http://us6.samba.org/samba/ftp/docs/htmldocs/Samba-BDC-HOWTO.html

I dont' know the proper way to report this (if there is one). Maybe
someone who can affect change will notice...

Finally, the BDC has to be found by the workstations. This can be done
by setting

     workgroup = SAMBA
     domain master = yes
     domain logons = yes
     encrypt passwords = yes
     security = user

in the [global]-section of the smb.conf of the BDC. This makes the BDC
only register the name SAMBA#1c with the WINS server. This is no problem
as the name SAMBA#1c is a NetBIOS group name that is meant to be
registered by more than one machine. The parameter 'domain master = no'
forces the BDC not to register SAMBA#1b which as a unique NetBIOS name
is reserved for the Primary Domain Controller.

The text in the paragraph says 'no' but the [global] example
contradicts. While the paragraph makes it clear what the real setting
should be this could be confusing and lead to problems for folks who
don't notice.

Mike Rambo
mrambo at lsd.k12.mi.us

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