[Samba] one trouble

knight_of_moon at inbox.ru knight_of_moon at inbox.ru
Wed Nov 13 16:25:01 GMT 2002


I used samba 2.2.1a which were built into RH 7.2
I used as PDC with some NT4SP6 clients but one manth later after the
successful configuring sambaserver stopped authorization winnt
clients. At the same time i couldn't login to server with any correct
user name and i could not see it from windows viewer (before it i
could). Now i have trouble with user profiles and home dirictories
which can be used by root only. So i do not know what what shall i do
to correct it (may be will be right to download new version of samba
2.2.6 or 3.0?). If you can help me please do it.
         Thank You

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