[Samba] Samba and WINDOWS 2000 Native Mode

Valter Dal Bo dalbo at tesco.it
Tue Nov 12 10:20:01 GMT 2002

Hi all !

I've got Samba 2.2.2 installed on a SGI running IRIX 6.5.16 and PDC is a 
Win2000 in mixed mode.
For security reasons the company I work for has to switch the win2000 
installation from mixed mode to _NATIVE_ mode.
Apparently (M$ sources say....), doing so it will not allow samba to 
work with Win2000 because samba advertises itself as beeing a NT4 xDC.
Even though my Samba installation is NOT in any way a DC, could that 
compromize samba to work correctly ?

Best Regards

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