[Samba] nmbd bug

Ury N.Stankevich ury at bofh.homeunix.org
Mon Nov 11 20:59:11 GMT 2002

nmbd.samba.2.2.6 only (previus 2.2.5 not affected)

i use 2 linux servers. one of them (raph, os level 255 ) - domain
master, second (router, os level 254 ) - local master browser.

on raph (also WINS server) - all is ok, but on router:
after nmbd startup it try take local master status
Samba name server ROUTER is now a local master browser for workgroup
GROVE on subnet
--end log
but its not correct, server think it local master BUT ALL WORKSTATIONS
in 10.103.105 segment use one of workstations with "Computer Browser"
started as master browser. Now i rollback to 2.2.5 samba on router (with
the same configuration files) and all ok.


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