[Samba] problem with different user

SALOME Alexandre alexandre.salome at comau.com.br
Mon Nov 11 18:25:01 GMT 2002

> Hi ,
> I need to do my user_windows "eng.processo" to acess my unix solaris 2.x
> as user_unix "cs02929".
> As like indicate, I create in "global" of file "smb.conf" the command:
> username map = /etc/smbusers
> and into the file /etc/smbuser, the command:  cs02929 = "eng.processo".
> This it don´t work. Please, what do I do to this work? Do I forgot
> anythink?
> thanks
> Atenciosamente
> Alexandre Salomé
> Comau System  _ Sistemas Engenharia
> tel: 0055 031 9944 8646
> fax:0055 031 3529 6533
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