[Samba] Turn off Roaming Profiles.

Kevin Smith starwatcher22 at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 11 06:50:39 GMT 2002

I found a workaround for turning RP's off...Fist my reason. One of my Machines would constantly crash the server when it was transferring the Profile. Since I didn't know the exact cause, and since the user rarely logs on anywhere else, I decided to do away with them.  I tried several methods, logon path sort of worked but also changed the Home directory regardless when I has logon home set...So I thought, and decided to remove all the permissions from the Profiles directory, and it worked! the Win box either ignores it completely, or give the dialogue box about using local profiles then forgets them altogether.
It may not be pretty, but I only have 3 clients right now and they were just annoying.

hope it helps, 


you said: 

As a follow-on to this thread, I have coded the lines as indicated by
Mark to turn off Roaming Profiles. 

This seems to have worked for 1 user but not for a 2nd one.  Is there
something different that I might have done with 1 user and not the

Being as I am also a dangerous windoze hacker, I have looked at the
registry values for profiles on the W2K machine.  The user that works
had the value in the Central Profile pointer of         3D .pds

The 2nd user logging onto the domain gets the unable to write to profile
message and the profile list is not updated in the windoze registry.  I
am going into my W2K books to see if it is something on the machine but
just in case I need to tweak Samba, I have done this post.

Thanks for at least reading.

Florian W. Green

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