[Samba] new to samba, please advise...

C Bud budcf at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 11 04:16:55 GMT 2002

Hello all.  I'm hoping to get some advise for my
issue. I need to allow other users access to my files
to make changes.  They do not have physical access to
the Linux samba server.  I want this password
protected so that only those who know the password can
do this.  Thanks in advance.

System at work:
Have a Novell Netware Server (don't know version, at
an offsite location), with Win NT4 (don't know service
pack #) clients (I do not have Administrative
clearance on the server, or for  the Nt client pcs,
just a user account.  I have installed RedHat Linux
6.0 (because of familiarity of the OS and using older
pc) on a separate pc and I am the Administrator for

Have created a small "intranet", no connection to the
internet.  I am able to see the web pages and
documents with Netscape or MIE from the various Nt
pcs.  What I am unable to do is this:  make changes to
the documents and web pages on the Linux box from the
Nt pcs.  When in Network Neighborhood, I see my Linux
pc (IP # only, don't know why I don't see computer
name).  When I try to open the connection, I'm asked
for password, but get an access denial.  

I have not made any changes to the smb.conf file

I tried a system at home:
Nt4 service pack 1, Linux 6.0, win98
All info about the web pages and documents are the
same.  I can see them in Netscape or MIE.  But with
this Network I am able to access the Linux pc via
Network Neighborhood from the Nt and win98 pcs.  I can
make changes to the files.  Also, from the Nt pc, I
have not added any user accounts.  I have logged in as
Administrator (which is not a valid user on Linux). 
When I attempt to open the Linux pc, I am prompted for
a username and password.  I supply it with the one
that I have the documents saved in that I want to
update.  The win98 pc, I had to update the registry
(regedit) to  EnablePlainTextPassword.  Did not have
to make any changes in the NT system.  Again, I did
not make any changes to the smb.conf file.

Do I need to tell my Linux system to allow login
access to a username from the Nt system?  And what,
how?  Do I need to make any changes to the default
smb.conf file?  What changes?  The people making the
changes to the files have their own usernames on the
Nt pcs, but will not have user names on the Linux pc. 
Do I need to create a group?  Can I do that if they
are from the Netware Server/Nt system and not on

The web pages and documents are in this structure:

to access in Netscape or MIE I enter this in location
bar:  http://computername (or IP)/~user/filename

Since I need other people to be able to access and
update these files, I used a "dummy" username. 
Someone had suggested a different way, using samba,
but I can't get it to work.


create samba share  in /etc/smb.conf

     workgroup = YourWorkGroup
     security = share
     smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
     encrypt passwords = yes
     netbios name = NameOfThisComputer
     volume = WordPerfectDocs
     browseable = yes
     writable = yes

create the user wpuser on the linux box, and give a
smb password using    smbpasswd -a wpuser
start samba using   service smb start

when I tried this, everything got messed up.  Anyone
have any suggestions?

Thank you,
C Bud

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