[Samba] Creating Samba PDC

Michael G. Noble mnoble at rfmagic.com
Wed Nov 6 16:51:00 GMT 2002

I currently have a samba server running (2.2.5) on Solaris8.  I would
like to make it a PDC.
The question:
Can I make the samba server a PDC without effecting the other users/
machines that are still looking at the workgroup?  Can both exist at
the same time and have users/machines join the domain latter.

I realize this is a vague question, I hope someone can answer this.

Michael G. Noble                          RF Magic, Inc.
Senior System Administrator               10182 Telesis Ct., 4th Floor
                                          San Diego, CA.   92121
mailto:mnoble at rfmagic.com                 voice: (858) 546-2401 x207
                                          fax:   (858) 546-2402
There is Sanity in my Madness!

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