[Samba] LifeTips.com Questions for Review

webmaster at lifetips.com webmaster at lifetips.com
Wed Nov 6 06:10:01 GMT 2002

Heather Welborn, one of our Editors and Gurus at LifeTips.com, thought your site would be a good addition to our network http://www.lifetips.com because of its value to millions of our users.

Could you please forward this e-mail to your Marketing Manager or Affiliate Program Manager?  Thanks if so. 
LifeTips.com is a community of hundreds of Guru sites all owned at operated by LifeTips.com Inc. Our targeted Guru sites offer over 100,000+ free time-saving tips, Guru advice, inside knowledge and tricks of the trade and links to sites like yours .  We send out over 750,000 opt-in TipLetters monthly to our subscribers.   And each individual Guru site is packed with spider friendly content that helps search engine rankings and traffic growth.

If you have a few minutes, I’d like to learn more about your site and value proposition.  Are you interested in more traffic to your site?  Do you run an affiliate program? What groups do you want to reach?  Which sites in our network would be best for your campaigns?  

Please call me at 877-454-3384 x 203.  And/or for a quick overview LifeTips.com, visit our Marketing Services page: 

Only LifeTips.com can guarantee success. Our click through rates (1-7%), earnings per click ($2.08) and conversions rate (1-5%) are among the highest on the web. And we guarantee at least 10,000 clicks or many more on your campaigns that run in our network 24 x 7 x 365.

We charge only a small setup fee starting at $100 that helps us separate the leaders from the pack.  And in only 10 minutes, you can quickly load your 88 x 31, 468 x 60, text link promos AND opt-ins promotions in our network and run 24 x 7 x 365 on up to 10 Guru sites you select.

It’s first-come, first-served, as we limit the number of advertisers.  And because Heather selected your site, ask about code 1068 for a $25 discount. 


Byron White
ByronW at LifeTips.com
877-4LifeTips.com x 203
877-454-3384 x 203

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