[Samba] Samba 2.2.6 and Winbind
windwalker_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 6 00:00:19 GMT 2002
On Samba 2.2.6 and Winbind I used the following command and all are working:
/usr/local/samba/bin/wbinfo -u (it did list all win 2000 users)
/usr/local/samba/bin/wbinfo -g (it did list all win 2000 groups)
root# getent passwd (it list all Linux users)
root# getent group (it list all Linux groups)
============================================== The problem is. When I am at a Linux command line and I try
to logon to Windows 2000 Server it won 't work.
In my case it is user logon:WEBOFFICE+biguser
password: (password entered)
It prompt for a password, I enter the password, and it said "invalid
user account." I then log on using just a username and leave out WEBOFFICE user logon: biguserpassword: (password entered)
It still gives me the same error
What do I need to do to be able to log onto a Win 2000 server from a Linux computer ?
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