[Samba] pid file is not removed wher exiting with SIGTERM

Mihail S. Dorofeev mdorofeev at sibnefteprovod.ru
Tue Nov 5 14:13:01 GMT 2002

Hi all!

I'm having some troubles exiting smbd (nmbd also).
I have the following option in smb.conf

pid directory = /var/run/

Samba is also compiled --with-piddir=/var/run to use /var/run as the pid directory!

To quit daemons i use      kill -SIGTERM nmbd_pid
The process exits, but..., when i look in /var/run/ , nmbd.pid is still there.........

as the result, my scripts, that starts/stops samba daemons,  complains that the daemon is already running!

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