[Samba] where is smbmount??

Noel Kelly nkelly at citrusnetworks.net
Fri Nov 1 22:38:00 GMT 2002

You need to add the --with-smbmount directive to your ./configure command.


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Hiner [mailto:jdhiner at hline.org]
Sent: 01 November 2002 20:27
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] where is smbmount??

Hello. I recently downloaded samba 2.2.6 compiled and installed (on Linux).
All is going great except that I cannot find smbmount. I see it in the
source dir (samba-2.2.6/source/client) but there is no Makefile and it is
not compiled. If somebody could tell me what happened or where to find it I
would be very grateful!!!

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