[Samba] Getting msg acces denied while adding a new printer

Noel Kelly nkelly at citrusnetworks.net
Fri Nov 1 11:01:01 GMT 2002

Try adding the 'use client driver = yes' parameter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ernst Cozijnsen [mailto:ernst.cozijnsen at cgey.nl]
Sent: 01 November 2002 08:52
To: samba at samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Getting msg acces denied while adding a new printer

I'm using cups for printing and when i try to share a printer with samba i
get the msg on my win2000 wks that "access is denied, unable to connect"
my smb.conf looks like this: 
        workgroup       = kerkenkruis 
        netbios name    = kruimel 
        server string   = Samba server running on Redhat %L:%h 
        interfaces      = eth0 
        dns proxy       = yes 
        domain master   = yes 
        preferred master= yes 
        socket options  = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY 
        os level        = 65 
        update encrypted= yes 
        unix password sync      = yes 
        encrypt passwords       = yes 
        printcap name   = cups 
        hide dot files  = yes 
        path            = /tmp 
        browseable      = yes 
        printing        = cups 
        lpq command     = /usr/bin/lpstat -o%p 
        lprm command    = /usr/bin/cancel %p-%j 
        print command   = /usr/bin/lp -d%p -orwa %s; rm %s 
   queuepause command   = /usr/bin/disable %p 
  queueresume command   = /usr/bin/enable %p 
        public          = yes 
        printable       = yes 
#       valid users     = 
        printer name    = test 
What could be the problem??? 

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