[Samba] Re: Regarding killing an application that still has file opened on a smbfs mount.

Louis Lam lsauchun at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 29 19:00:04 GMT 2002


ok, here is the way to reproduce the problem.

1. Do smbmount a share from the server.

2. "vi" a file(or some other program that holds on to a file on the share)

3. kill the vi application(simulating non-graceful exit)

>Does it block?
If I try to "ls" that mountpoint or even try to smbumount, the process will 

>Does it cause more errors?

If you mean getting more of these messages:
smb_get_length: recv error = 512
smb_request: result -512 setting invalid
smb_retry: successful, new pid = xxxx, generation=xxx

These messages are repeated continuously.

>There should be a connection between localhost and port 139 on the server.
>If you look at it with netstat it should be ESTABLISHED.

Indeed there was, when I do a netstat, I get the following:

On the client:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address     Foreign Address      State
----- ------ ------ -------------     ---------------      ------
tcp   0      0  kitchen:netbios-ssn  ESTABLISHED

On the Server:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address        Foreign Address      State
----- ------ ------ -------------        ---------------      ------
tcp   0      0      kitchen:netbios-ssn   ESTABLISHED

I don't see anything about port 139 though. Is that the netbios-ssn?

Thank you in advance.

Louis Lam

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