[Samba] Group Login Scripts in Samba 2.2.3?

K. Hawkes k.hawkes at zombies.force9.net
Sun Mar 24 13:19:02 GMT 2002

> It would be much easier to just set the variable in the login.bat file and
> do what you need inside of the script.   You can't send command line
> switches to the logon script from this directive.  You could use multiple
> logon scripts like '%U.bat'.  This would mean that each user had there own
> script.  You could then make this script call another script like
> %username%' or something.  But, by far the easiest method is to use a
> script that will handle multiple users and groups.
> --
> Brian


It would be easier yes, but on the Windows' side of things, it does not have
access to /etc/passwd or /etc/group,
so how can I use the single login script to determine what group a user is
in?  That's why I wrote the C program for, which will
search for the given username etc...  Windows doesn't have this, I can port
it to Win32 but I'd rather not as I'd then need to
copy the /etc/group and /etc/passwd files.  Each user having their own
script is a problem, we have 1500+ users and we don't have
time to setup 1500+ login scripts, we thought it would be easy to implement
group-based logins.

Seems that's not the case and never was, anyone out there with any other
suggestions as to enable the use of group logins?



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