[Samba] Need clarification on profiles from samba team member PLEASE!!

Brian Whitehead bwhitehd at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 22 15:34:05 GMT 2002

I know that there are a lot of opinions out there on how profiles are suppose to work with Win9x/WinNT and Samba. I have read through several dozen emails, websites, manpages and other text files.  I need to know specifically how Samba was written to work.  I am finding that most of documentation is either incomplete or disagrees with other documentation or opinions.  Please, could a samba team member finally just spell out the facts of how it is suppose to work.  From the rash of emails that I've dug through on this mailing list that spans back a few years, there are many people that are confused on this subject.

According to the smb.conf man page:

'logon home' is suppose to only effect Win9x profiles.
'logon path' is suppose to only effect WinNT profiles.

This seems to not be the case.  If commented out the 'logon path' directive, but the WinNT/2K profiles are still roaming.  This has been the case for versions 2.0.7 - 10 and versions 2.2.2 - 3a.

I've deleted profiles from the server they just get recopied out.

 - Is there a registry entry that needs to be changed to turn off roaming profiles?
 - Should the above directives in smb.conf work differently?  Are they working the way they should?
 - Has the roaming profile abilities in Samba been changed over the last several versions?
 - Are there known issues that have not been addressed with roaming profiles?
 - How do you turn them on/off?
 - How do you direct them correctly?

I could go on, but I think you get the hint.  For my sanity and others, I would just like some official clarification on the capabilities and configuration of roaming profiles.  If a someone that works with this part of the code could just take ten minutes and write a short HOWTO or something it would be greatly appreciated.  I would be willing to take that info and fine tune it to add to the documentation that is available on the site.

Your time will be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Brian W.
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