[Samba] Number of Connections Limitation

Yussef M. ElSirgany yelsir at magnatechonline.com
Wed Mar 20 08:47:04 GMT 2002

Dear List,

First thanks for the great program.  I know this is probably not the best
place to ask this but is anybody running TrendMicro OfficeScan network
edition on FileSharing Definitions using Samba.  As I slowly learn of tcp/ip
limit I find that I can't find anywhere what are the limitations on the
number of incomming/outgoing connections each OS has.

           Concurrent		Concurrent   Concurrent  Concurrent
OS       	Incomming TCP	Outgoing TCP SMB Provide SMB Connect
-----    	-------------	------------ ----------- -----------
win95    	?				?			?		?
win98    	?				?			?		?
winxpHome  5				?			?		?
winxpPro	10				?			10		?
win2kPro 	10 (out of box)   	?			?		?
win2kSrv 	10 (out of box)		?			?		?
*nix Samba ?				?			?		?
( I understand that this is kernel dependent, etc etc ....)

Thanks for your support!  I know I apreciate it since I was just on the
phone for the last 2 hours with Trend Micro & Microsoft and got nowhere.


Yussef M. ElSirgany
Magnatech Business Systems

Phone:  516-931-4444 Ext.105
Fax:    516-931-1264
Email:  yelsir at magnatechonline.com

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