[Samba] Are passwords encrypted when pam_winbind.so is used for authenti cation

Sarris, Chris Chris_Sarris at csgsystems.com
Tue Mar 19 15:23:05 GMT 2002

Are passwords encrypted when I use winbind in conjuction with modifying the
/etc/pam.d/login / kde / gdm / ssh configuration scripts?

I can log into KDE or into a separate tty session on my Linux box with a
Win2000 domain member with winbind...Winbind is working excellently.
However, I am wondering if this is clear text or encrypted. It should be
encrypted to work with Win 2000 but a How To document that I read seem to
say that Samba ignores Pam when encrypt passwords = yes. 

I have "encrypt passwd=yes" in the smb.conf file. I have a Red Hat Linux 7.2
client in a Win 2000 / NT domain and have used winbind to get user and group
information successfully. Are my domain passwords going back and forth
Encrypted or Not?


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