[Samba] smbmount

Homann, Mathias Mathias.Homann at airbus.dasa.de
Wed Mar 13 02:37:04 GMT 2002

bao wrote:
> We have two linux boxes A and B, and would like to mount one shared
> drive on A to B automatically when B starts up. smbmount requires a
> password, but if I put it in a cron script with the option
> password=<arg>, then it is plain text, and is visible to everyone.
> Is there any way to overcome this ???

If both machines are linux (or any other unix), then WTF is the point in
using samba for this?

on machine a, write in /etc/exports

/path/to/shared/directory b(rw)

and be sure the machine is set up as NFS server (with almost any modern
linux dstribution this is configurable via some admin tool).
Then ob b you can either just write in /etc/fstab:

/mountpoint a:/path/to/shared/directory nfs defaults 0 0

(this will HANG machine b on boot, if machine a happens to be down!)

or use the automounter.


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