[Samba] printing trouble

Mathias Homann admin at eregion.de
Wed Jul 24 01:29:02 GMT 2002

what I have:
a SuSE 8.0 pro, running samba 2.2.3a as a PDC
a deskjet 895 cxi configured in cups
cups configured to accept the application/octet-stream mimetype
me wanting to upload winXP and win98 drivers to the samba server so that
clients just connect, then get the drivers.

uploaded drivers from winxp box (bot xp and '98 drivers)
directories on samba's PRINT$ ressource got created and stuff's in them.
win98 client tries to connect to the printer, gets an error about some dll
that couldn't be copied.

printing from XP box works just fine (but XP has them drivers anyway...)


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