[Samba]password changing

Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Tue Jan 29 10:41:27 GMT 2002

> I'm running a samba server in a win2K environment.  I need the passwords to
> get changed automatically on the Unix box when the users change them on the
> win2k machine.  I don't want to have to change them twice.  Any ideas?
"unix passwd sync" in smb.conf, look at the man page


               _(_)_                          wWWWw   _
   @@@@       (_)@(_)   vVVVv     _     @@@@  (___) _(_)_
  @@()@@ wWWWw  (_)\    (___)   _(_)_  @@()@@   Y  (_)@(_)
   @@@@  (___)     `|/    Y    (_)@(_)  @@@@   \|/   (_)\
    /      Y       \|    \|/    /(_)    \|      |/      |
 \ |     \ |/       | / \ | /  \|/       |/    \|      \|/
jgs|//   \\|///  \\\|//\\\|/// \|///  \\\|//  \\|//  \\\|// 

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