Problems of using Samba

Joel Hammer Joel at
Sun Jan 27 19:12:02 GMT 2002

> 2.    i try to using the SWAT to share my folder, but after i typed "http:/localhost:901" in the browser.
>       it came out an error message "Could not connect to host localhost (port 901)" .
>       what is it means ? i already followed all the step that setup the SWAT. 

Try typing the address correctly. There should be two /'s in the address.

You should have this in inetd.conf:
swat    stream  tcp     nowait.400 root    /usr/local/samba/bin/swat swat -a

You should have this in /etc/services:
swat		901/tcp		swat	# Samba Web Administration Tool

And, you should restart inetd.
Note: The -a starts swat without checking for a password. Very insecure.

If you still can't connect, think about firewall issues.

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