Domain login on WinXP

Christian Barth barth at
Wed Jan 23 03:19:04 GMT 2002

> >> Works fine with the WinNT machines, I'm doing it there - but WinXP seems
> >> to need to change the /etc/samba/smbpasswd file anyway, and then it needs
> >> root-access, which I don't like to give to it.
> >Win2k and WinXP machines can not be joined to the domain with the 
> >predefined account and password in smbpasswd like WinNT. The insist 
> >on using the "Add comupter Account Dialog" form the client. For this 
> >dialog to succed you currently have to use root and its password with 
> >samba.
> But why can't samba itself, as root (which it's run) take care of it? When
> you change passwords it does, why not when you want to add a computer?
I'm to a samba programmer, just followed this list. The difference 
may be: a new computer needs a new account (smbpasswd -a), the 
password it self is changed by the user (wkrs$).


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