slightly OT: perl script for finding samba connections

Yan Seiner yan at
Tue Jan 15 03:26:02 GMT 2002

I know this is verging on OT, but here goes:

I am working on a security script for samba with dhcp.  Basically, what
this will do is allow access only to authenticated users from known

I have a great start from some donated scripts, but perl is not my
native tongue...  I am using --with-utmp to track samba connections. 
What I need is some guidance on getting the samba connections from the
utmp database into perl.  A perl equivalent of "who" so to speak, that I
can then parse for /smb/.




Daddy, did all the hair that fell off your head stick to your arms?
Akari, age 4
 oberon.cardhome.lan: 6:15am up 11:50, 4 users, load average: 0.34,
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