well it WAS working ...

Julian Opificius julianop at mninter.net
Sat Jan 5 10:17:05 GMT 2002

I did it, I broke the cardinal rule "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", and 
I made a configuration change to Samba.
It was in the area of preferred master/local master/domain master, and I 
did it as a recommended  change while setting up DNS.

Now, when I try to map Win98 shares on my RH7.2 Linbox I get ...

6278: session request to MONSTA failed (Called name not present)
6278: session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Called name not present)
SMB connection failed

I've tried various rebootings, but to no avail.
The mapping was set up in fstab and hasn't been changed.
The Win98 shares are visible and accessible on other WIn98 boxes on the LAN 
(I don't have another Linbox yet to try that test).

Linux shares still map into Win98 OK.

Could somebody give me a pointer here, please?


Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after me ...

Julian Opificius. ICQ 3268206.

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