[Samba] Machine trust account reqd in 2.2.3a?
Christian Barth
barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Thu Feb 28 00:14:10 GMT 2002
> At 06:36 PM 2/27/2002 +0000, Steven Mackenzie wrote:
> > > Since the text was last updated in July of 2001, and there have been
> > > several releases of SAMBA since, is the /etc/passwd account for machine
> > > trust accounts still required in 2.2.3a?
> >
> >Yes.
> >
> >(The account is created for you if you supply the root username and password
> >when prompted by a Windows client that you are joining to a domain.)
> I'm confused by your comment. The HOW-TO for using SAMBA as a PDC says
> that I have to create machine trust accounts either 1. manually, or 2. on
> the fly by adding something similar to this in my smb.conf:
> add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M %u
> It also says that I must include a "root" user in my smbpasswd file and
> suggests a password that is different from the real root password.
> Are you saying that SAMBA takes care of all these details now?
2.2.3a does not care about these details. The HowTo is correct.
Also, if it
> makes any difference, the client(s) I'm trying to add are XP.
There have been a couple of reports about it on the list. Should work
the same as w2k but you need to apply a registry key in xp first.
It's in the samba source tar ball.
> Thanks,
> Matthew
> --
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