[Samba] Drop in NT print server replacement; NT print names and NT share names-how to handle with Samba
Bryan Fetzer
bryan2424 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 25 11:24:34 GMT 2002
Gerald, thanks .... samba rocks. however I am seeing
some success, although I haven't implemented the
server yet. It seems that the nt4 clients are gonna
make this pretty easy on me. i posted some of my
success at this link
here's an excerpt of what I did,
It is working. here's the steps I too to verify that
it is working.
1. Setup a test client nt 4.0 machine on the live
network. Setup every printer we have on it. (from the
current print server)
2. Setup a BDC on our live network. Then droped it off
the live network and put it on a Cisco Switch. I then
"upped" it to PDC level in it's own little world.
3. I then placed the Linux/Samba print spooler in the
same little test network as the two, I used NT Server
Manager to erase the old print server's name.....
4. went into smb.conf and changed the name to exactly
the same name of the old print server, also gave it
the same dns name and ip address (for good measure )
5. Attempted to print from printers, and also look at
the status of each printer... ALL PRINTERS SHOWED UP
in fact all the "printers" on the clients changed
their "share" name to reflect the Samba server's share
--- Gerald Carter <jerry at samba.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Bryan Fetzer wrote:
> > I am going to be replacing out NT print server
> with a
> > linux/samba solution. My main problem/question is
> how
> > will the NT clients deal with the Samba server
> when
> > the following facts are true.
> > 1. NT creates an NT printer name
> > 2. When you actually share the printer, you can
> create
> > a totally different share name.
> This is a limitation in 2.2 that is planning to be
> reomved
> in 3.0. Sorry. Currently the printer name and share
> name are the same value.
> > So my real question is, if I simply drop in the
> Linux
> > samba print spooler with the NT printer names (not
> > share names) shared out, will the NT clients
> "like"
> > this. I know that dos app's use the format
> > \\servername\printersharename ... however I
> simply
> > plan to add those printers with their old "share"
> > names.... which I believe will work.
> I would recommend looking into con2prt.exe from the
> Resource Kit (or
> somewhere like that) and fixing printer connections
> in a login script.
> Hope this helps.
> cheers, jerry
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