[Samba] SWAT
Todd Knauer
Todd at jmtsolutions.com
Sat Feb 23 22:08:02 GMT 2002
You didn't answer all of the other questions. And if you did do all of
the other steps I mentioned I have a couple of more questions. What
does "tail /var/log/messages" and "tail /var/log/secure" say after
trying and failing to connect? Also, you didn't happen to mess with
your /etc/pam.d/* files did you? I had a buddy who had a similar
problem and I found out he was messing with winbind and incorrectly made
changes to /etc/pam.d/samba. Once I changed that file back to it's
original state, swat worked fine.
On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 23:53, Godfried Duodu wrote:
yes xinetd is running. ps aux|grep xinetd -gives xinetd - stayalive.
when i point the browser to http;//localhost:901/ I get the error message that "Netscape connetction refused by server. the server may not be accepting connections or may be busy"
>>> Todd Knauer <Todd at jmtsolutions.com> 02/23/02 21:06 PM >>>
Is the service turned on (/sbin/chkconfig swat on)? Is xinetd actually
running (ps auxw | grep xinetd)? Did you reload it after adding
swat/samba (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd reload)? Do you have a firewall set
up on that box (ipchains/iptables) and if so are you allowing the samba
port (901)? And finally are you trying to connect to port 901 with your
browser (http://yoursambaserver:901)?
On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 15:31, Godfried Duodu wrote:
I have installed the binary version of samba-2.2.3a for RH7.2 and checked /etc/services that swat is located there. I have also set up the swat file in xinetd.d. When I tried to use swat with my browser nothing comes up. What am I doing wrong?
>>> Max TenEyck Woodbury <mtew at cds.duke.edu> 02/21/02 17:19 PM >>>
___cliff rayman___ wrote:
> bao wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > My question is off the topic of the group, but I don't know anywhere
> > else to ask.
> ok - put OT: in the subject line so everyone knows.
> >
> >
> > I see there are three kernel packages that I can't distinguish for RH
> > 7.2
> >
> > kernel-2.4.7-10.i386.rpm
> (1) this is the rpm that installs the kernel.
> >
> > kernel-2.4.7-10.src.rpm
> (2) this installs the same kernel , but instead of it already being in a compiled
> form, it is in source form. thekernel is compiled and then installed.
> >
> > kernel-source-2.4.7-10.rpm
> (3) this is the source code by itself. if you had already installed
> rpm (1), then needed the source, you could use this rpm.
> --
> ___cliff rayman___cliff at genwax.com___http://www.genwax.com/
Having just gone through a bunch of documentation on this topic, and
actually having used a .src.rpm to good effect, this is not quite
kernel-2.4.7-10.src.rpm is the package you would use to rebuild the
various binary kernel-2.4.7-10.xxx.rpms. It puts the sources in
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCE/... which is the work area for the rpm build
suite. If you play with them there, you mess up the rpm build area.
Normally, you do NOT want to drag in the .src.rpms!
kernel-source-2.4.7-10.i386.rpm and kernel-headers-2.4.7-10.i386.rpm
(note the .i386.) are the distributed sources that you can use to
build a custom kernel
NOTE: Red Hat has put out a number of kernel updates. The most recent
is 2.4.9-21. You can get them from ftp.redhat.com under
/pub/redhat/linux/updates/7.2/en/os/* or from updates.redhat.com
/7.2/en/os/*. You may have to update some other packages if you
update your kernel.
If you want to live dangerously, check out /pub/redhat/linux/rawhide
on ftp.redhat.com...
mtew at cds.duke.edu.
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Todd Knauer
JMT Solutions
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JMT Solutions
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