[Samba] Win 2000 Prof in workgroup with samba 2.2.2
Christian Barth
barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Fri Feb 15 03:57:02 GMT 2002
> Hi folks,
> this is the problem:
> we have several Win2000 PRO SP2 working in workgroup (not joining the
> domain) with a unique local user.
> The server Samba acts with security = user, with no encrypted password
> and keeps the username/password of people who want to connect to it.
> People log on the W2000 with the same username/password kept into samba
> server but when we map a network drive, the samba server asks for the
> password (ignoring username/password inserted with log on) and allows
> the user to mount the area.
> Even if the map is persistent, every time the user logs off, W2000
> reasks for the password. It seems the the couple username/password used
> to access the workstation is not passed to the samba server when it try
> to connect for the first time after log on.
> I know this is not a real problem but it is quite annoying, expecially
> if workstions own to management people.....
To may knowlage, which is based on NT, this is a normal behavior of
windows: If you do not use encrypted passwords, windows doesn't store
the password. Solution: Set up encrypted passwords.
> Any sugestion?
> regards
> Davide Dozza
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