[Samba] Win2k copy/paste to Solaris8
don_mccall at hp.com
Thu Feb 14 09:44:26 GMT 2002
Hi Melissa,
the issue is that windows applications use newline/return pair as an eol
whereas UNIX expects JUST the newline character for eol.
So you either need to get an editor on windows that will use the unix style
OR run the scripts thru d2u (or dos2ux), different names on different
systems, but the
purpose of this command is to specifically strip off the return chars from
each line...
Samba is NOT adding or subtracting anything from the files during the
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----[MCCALL,DON (HP-USA,ex1)]
From: Melissa Cayer [mailto:MCayer at LightSys.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 10:02 AM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Win2k copy/paste to Solaris8
I am creating some DB2 scripts on Win2k with Notepad. When I copy/paste to
a Sol8 machine using a Samba shared directory, I get strange characters in
the file. I know this because I try to run the DB2 script and DB2 complains
about unexpected End of File reached during command. If I use the Sol8 text
editor and delete each end of line then the script runs fine.
Is there some strange translation going on that I can control so the
copy/paste works OK without having to edit the file on Sun?
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