[Samba] smblcient printing problem
Patrick.Charpentier at recreation.bombardier.com
Patrick.Charpentier at recreation.bombardier.com
Wed Feb 6 08:34:04 GMT 2002
I try to print from my Lunix Debian (potato) box to a network
printer. It's Xerox DC. I connect to the printer succesfully with this
command :
Smbclient \\\\<machine <\\\\<machine> name>\\<printer name> -U user -P
In the smb command prompt, I type " print filename " but my printer print
only the first line of the file on the paper
When I try " translate " and after " print filename ", the printer
superimpose all lines of the file into on line on the paper output.
I think my printer donc recognize the " end line " caractère.
Does anyone have a idea on how to solve this ?
Thks a lot!
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