R: [Samba] High CPU utilization with samba2.2.5 on HPUX 11.00

Usai, Maria Grazia MariaGrazia.Usai at infores.com
Fri Aug 30 01:44:00 GMT 2002

Is there someone that have the same problem?
We observed this problem on samba 2.2.3a version also.

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Usai, Maria Grazia 
Inviato: giovedì 25 luglio 2002 18.33
A: samba at lists.samba.org
Oggetto: R: [Samba] High CPU utilization with samba2.2.5 on HPUX 11.00

Note that the problem arises only by scanning subdirectories with a large number of files ( 3.000 files and more ).

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Usai, Maria Grazia 
Inviato: giovedì 25 luglio 2002 11.11
A: samba at lists.samba.org
Oggetto: [Samba] High CPU utilization with samba2.2.5 on HPUX 11.00

Hello, I need some help for a strange problem. 

I have an HP L2000 server ( 2 CPU and 2 GB RAM ) with HPUX 11.00 and with samba 2.2.5 installed 
Below my smb.conf: 

workgroup = <my-w2k-domain> 
netbios name = <my-server> 
interfaces = <my-ip-address> 
bind interfaces only = Yes 
security = DOMAIN 
username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb_users.map 
comment = <my-share> on <my-server> 
path = <my-path> 
read only = No 
dont descend = ./lost+found 

The others parameters are set to default. 

The size of my-share filesystem is 170GB. 
Analyzing the server performances, I observed that when I access to my-share from an w2k workstation  to list its contents whit windows explorer, all works fine and the serverv cpu utilization is very slow, but, if I access to my-share with a C program that recursly scans my-share performing a "stat" for each file on the share, the smbd process consumes the 99% of server CPU resource!! 

Can anyone help me to resolve this problem? 
Thank's in advance. 

Maria Grazia Usai 
ICT Process Engineer 
mariagrazia.usai at infores.com 

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